About Kirk

Co-Captain. IT Guy. Mr. try-and-fix-it.

Sailmaking: Knowing Just Enough to be Dangerous – Ep. 35

Sailmaking isn’t exactly voodoo magic, but because it’s pretty tough to find much information on sailmaking & sail cloth, we wanted to share everything we’ve learned in our quest to make the right decisions about our new headsail.

Life on the River – Ep. 31

We’ve become pretty comfortable with our life on the river. Each morning, once we’re underway, Kirk takes the helm and I make breakfast in the galley.

Racing the Cold to Lower Latitudes – Ep. 26

Welp, it’s about time we get moving south, eh? With all the boat dramas from the last few episodes now behind us, we’re finally making miles south down the Illinois River. And good thing, too, ‘cause winter is hot on our keel.

Monthly Cruising Budget: Month 5 – First Month on the River

This is the first full month on the river, and our first full month away from our home port. After putting last month's craziness behind us, we were delighted to see that we were much much closer to our long-term monthly cruising budget goal of $3,000 a month.

Bad Things Come in Threes – Ep. 25

Oh dear…This one’s for you dreamers out there who will one day become newbie boat owners, just like us. Take notes! Hopefully you won’t have to make these same mistakes. Last episode, we had issues with our centerboard, which were — surprise! — caused by yours truly.

The Mast Comes Down – Ep. 23

What lies between us and saltwater sailing? 1300 miles of rivers! Before we can get underway, we need to unstep our mast. For this leg of our journey south, we turning our sailboat into a motorboat.

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