In our last post, we discussed the decision-making process behind ultimately choosing Coppercoat for our antifouling and touched on some of the confusion surrounding the product. In this post, we’ll share a more detailed account of our experience prepping the bottom and the process we followed for applying Coppercoat. We’ll follow up with a future post to share results after being in the water for some time.
If you haven’t read that first post, go check it out now (Is Coppercoat the Best Antifouling for Your Boat?) before diving into this one–it’s a good primer for what we’re going to cover below.
While researching Coppercoat, one of the biggest criticisms we heard was: “It’s so expensive!” (Sailing Soulianis Patrons get a discount!) Upon further investigation, this appears to be only partly true–and only for some people.
You can divide boaters into groups many ways: sailors & motorboaters, weekend warriors & liveaboards, racers & cruisers, but this time let’s go with Do-It-Yourselfers & Hire-It-Outers.
We learned a pretty tough lesson early on about hiring people to work on our boat (see DIY or Hire a Pro? A Tale of Two Boat Projects). So the decision to tackle this project ourselves was a no-brainer; for us there was no other option. We had never done anything like this before, had no idea what we were doing, but we’d roll up our sleeves and figure it out. This was no different than any other project we’ve tackled before or since. When we started looking at the material costs involved and compared it to similar products on the market, it was difficult to understand what the fuss was about.
Two weeks into the project, however, it was painfully obvious…in the form of incredibly sore shoulders we felt each night after hours of scraping and sanding in awkward overhead positions all day long. To answer the above question, yes it absolutely IS a DIY job; you can do it with zero experience, and our hull is proof. But, be forewarned: It is one hell of a big job.
Labor is the biggest barrier to entry for most people choosing Coppercoat. For the DIYers it’s a huge undertaking, especially when changing from another form of antifouling paint. For the HIOers, that translates directly into added costs, and that’s where the expense comes from. The product itself is not expensive, but the process to prep the hull properly and apply Coppercoat is expensive if you’re hiring the job out to someone else. The complaint about Coppercoat being expensive is partly justified, but if you do the job yourself the raw costs are not much more than any other antifouling–especially when you extrapolate the cost out over the 10 years Coppercoat is supposed to last, it becomes significantly cheaper.
Prepping the Bottom for Coppercoat
The application process for Coppercoat is not like most other types of antifouling paint. This is beause Coppercoat is not actually paint, it’s a two-part epoxy. Surface preparation for any painting job is important, but for this application it’s critical. Coppercoat cannot be applied over the top of any other bottom paint–it can, however, be applied over the top of barrier coats. This means unless you’re working on a brand new boat, all antifouling bottom paint must be removed before Coppercoat goes on the hull.
Removing Old Bottom Paint
There are a number of ways to remove bottom paint. The most common method recommended by boat shops, other boat owners and online was to get 40-60 grit sandpaper with an orbital vacuum sander attachment (to contain the dust) and sit for hours while the sandpaper slowly chews away at years and years of built-up bottom paint. We’ve seen this approach in just about every boatyard we’ve stepped foot in. Most people end up looking like Smurfs by the end of the day, with blue paint dust all over their face, hands and clothing. Not only is the dust toxic, it gets everywhere, no matter how much personal protective equipment you’re wearing. The sander and vacuum are extremely loud, and running them for hours at a time will undoubtedly result in hearing loss without ear plugs. To top it off, it takes FOREVER. This was the least desirable approach for us and I wanted to avoid it at all costs.
Before coming down the rivers, we got a great tip from our friend Bruce, our old boat neighbor in Racine, Wisconsin. He had repainted his bottom a year earlier and recommended we get a carbide scraper, and most importantly a two-handed design. Specifically this one:
His advice was to start with the scraper, then finish sanding whatever the scraper couldn’t remove. This will most likely not work on boats with hard bottom paints, but on ours and many others with years of built-up ablative paint, this thing was a lifesaver. We ended up buying two extra carbide blades since we found they did eventually dull, and having a nice sharp edge made it significantly easier to peel the paint off.
We followed his advice with one modification. About two hours before scraping, we applied Blue Bear 670AF Paint Stripper. It needs to stay moist to soften up the paint, so I wetted it down with a spray bottle about every half hour while it sat on the hull, then again immediately before scraping. This made the paint soft and easy to scrape, and it cut down immensely on the dust. Once I found my rhythm I was able to scrape through every layer of ablative bottom paint–including most of the barrier coats–with one quick downward stroke.
Don’t get me wrong, this was an intensely physical process. But as I worked at it, it became almost meditative. I’d put in some headphones and enter a strangely calm mental state, making visible progress one scrape at a time. Watching all that paint falling off in chunks was very satisfying, almost cathartic. The blade is only 2.5 inches wide, so while it was still pretty slow, it was very motivational. I could immediately see the results of my work, and with each new stroke of the blade a small section of white gelcoat appeared. The sander, on the other hand, was a mind-numbingly boring experience (and hand-numbing from the sander vibrations).
Other Options for Removing Bottom Paint
Prior to scraping the hull we had investigated a number of other methods for removing bottom paint. Sand blasting, soda blasting, walnut shell blasting, etc. Effectively all the same process, which is using an abrasive material hurled at the hull at a high rate of speed to remove the paint. The differences are mainly the abrasive materials used and the methods for containing the waste product which is a toxic mix of antifouling bottom paint and whatever abrasive material was chosen.
Some of these blasting services are marketed as being “dustless,” usually meaning they use water as a medium to contain the abrasive material. This works well to contain the dust, but then what’s done with the contaminated water? We made a number of inquires to various ‘blasting’ services, and the reputable ones had plenty of information about how to contain the dust and/or waste material. In the end, our boatyard didn’t allow any blasting anyway, no matter how well it was contained, dustless or not.
If you choose to go the ‘blasting’ route (and we do recommend it), find a boatyard that either provides this service in-house, or allows you to hire an outside company to do it for you. If we ever need to do this again, this is exactly what we’d do.
Are you considering Coppercoat for your boat?
The Application Process
We were starting with a nearly bare hull. We had removed everything down to gelcoat in the process of scraping and sanding. So prior to applying Coppercoat we needed to put on a barrier coat. If your boat’s barrier coat is in good shape without any osmosis or blistering and you’re happy with it, your next step is to give it a once over with 80-grit sandpaper.
CK426 Barrier Coat
Any epoxy-based barrier coat is suitable under Coppercoat, but for those of us needing a new barrier coat, Copperoat USA recommends a product called CK426, a two-part epoxy-based ceramic coating. The major benefit here is that we can skip the sanding step in between the barrier coat and Coppercoat as long as the first layer of Coppercoat goes on within 24 hours of finishing the last layer of CK426. After all the sanding we did to get to this point, this was a huge bonus, and we happily followed their recommendation.
After sanding, repairing and fairing all the blemishes in the hull, we gave the boat a good wash down to remove as much dust as possible. Just prior to rolling on the CK426, we wiped the hull down again with isopropyl alcohol to remove any additional oils and residue. Now it was time to roll on the CK426. Coppercoat recommends at least 2 layers. We had enough on hand to do 3 thin coats.
It goes on translucent and can be difficult to see, especially against our white hull. If we were to do it again, we’d definitely tint it. The mixing process is pretty straight forward, requiring a healthy 4-minute pre-mix of the resin to suspend the ceramic particles. Then the resin and hardener are mixed at a 2:1 ratio and thinned 10% by volume with isopropyl alcohol.
The only difficult part is ensuring you can roll it all on the hull within the pot life of each mixed batch. The pot life is only 30 minutes at 72 degrees, so on any given day in Florida, that means you need to move quickly, or start mixing smaller batches.
Subsequent coats can be applied while the product is still tacky, but must be done within 24 hours or you’ll need to do a sanding with 80-grit in between.
Read the entire technical data and instructions for CK426 barrier coat provided by Coppercoat USA.
The application process for Coppercoat is extremely detailed and specific, which can make it a challenging DIY project. That said the Application Information page Coppercoat USA has developed is very helpful, including a series of “How To Videos” and a detailed list of “Do’s and Don’ts.” These are a result of over 12 years of working with customers in the US and the Caribbean. We highly recommend familiarizing yourself with all the information on their website prior to starting. We read through the instructions multiple times while acquiring the necessary tools and prior to painting to make sure that the process was engrained in our heads. We have also put together a list of most of the gear we used to apply Coppercoat to help save you some time when acquiring supplies.
A few things to note:
The instructions call for 1/8 nap mohair epoxy paint rollers. We tried a couple different brands because these were EXTREMELY hard to find locally or online, and we couldn’t get our hands on very many from any one source. There were one or two that worked OK, but we found that the small high density foam rollers we picked up at Home Depot gave a better, smoother finish overall.
If we were to do it again, we’d stock up on a bunch of the larger 9″ size foam rollers beforehand because they are harder to find. But in a pinch we did alright with the 4 & 6″ variety. We went through quite a few of these, so make sure to have a bunch on hand before beginning. The day moves quickly, and you don’t want to run out.
In addition to the instructions above, we want to emphasize being extra careful with the following:
- Controlling temperature & humidity — It’s a two-part water-based product, moisture has a major effect on its curing process.
- Ensuring mixing is done properly — The powdered copper needs to be held in suspension until applied on the hull, which can be difficult.
- Paying attention to foam roller specifications — Coppercoat needs to be applied in very thin and even layers.
- Sanding/burnishing the finish — Once Coppercoat is on the hull, it needs to be sanded to expose the powdered copper to the water.
We put our first layer of Coppercoat on about 18 hours after our last coat of CK426. We started at 9:30AM which allowed for some of the morning humidity to burn off and gave us plenty of time to get all four coats on in one day with the help of our friend Chris. (Thanks Chris!)
Coppercoat is a two-part epoxy just like the CK426 we applied earlier, but the mixing process differs slightly. Coppercoat is a 1:1 mix of hardener and resin, which we thinned again with isopropyl alcohol. Only after thinning do you mix in the powdered copper. This is where things get tricky. It’s actually this copper powder that does all the heavy lifting for your antifouling. The powder needs to stay mixed in with the two-part epoxy as it’s rolled on. Any left at the bottom of the tray is wasted, and will reduce the effects of the antifouling. It’s important to ensure the epoxy is well mixed in the tray throughout the rolling process.
Coppercoat is applied “wet-on-tacky” and only requires about 20-30 minutes between coats at 70-75 degrees. It took us about an hour to cover our entire hull, meaning as long as we timed the mixing right we could basically do laps around the boat without stopping for drying time in between.
We did two coats back-to-back in the morning, took a break for lunch, then put on the final two coats back-to-back in the afternoon. This worked quite well, but still took the better part of the day with three people.
Controlling Humidity
Because Coppercoat is water-soluble it’s vitally important to ensure no water drips down the hull onto the newly applied Coppercoat before it fully cures. While we had a bit of practice constructing a mini “dew-skirt” when applying the barrier coat, we decided to go all out when covering the Coppercoat. Since it needed at least 48 hours of drying time, we constructed a giant floor-length dress for Soulianis ensuring nothing could find its way below the waterline.
We even put our dehumidifier under the boat to suck water out of the air and ensure it was as dry as possible. I think most people in the yard thought we were crazy at this point. “What are they going to do, dehumidify all of Florida?!” They had a point, and initially I thought this might be taking things a little too far. But we had the dehumidifier, so why not? especially with the forecast for the next morning predicting 94% humidity.
Sanding/Burnishing the Copper
After letting the hull cure for ~72 hours we deconstructed our carnival tent and put away the dehumidifier. It was time for more Sanding, Glorious Sanding! At this point there wasn’t anyone left in the boatyard that thought we were sane, and they were not shy about telling us as much. After witnessing all the prep we did to remove 100% of the bottom paint, seeing how complex the application process was, and now we were sanding it back off?! We must be absolute bonkers.
But this is a critically important step for Coppercoat. The entire hull must be sanded using a 320-grit paper to expose the copper powder to the water. Coppercoat even supplies a handy visual guide to compare your hull to the recommended level of sanding. And it’s here where any imperfections in the hull become a nuisance. Ideally, the hull should be absolutely smooth so that 100% of the surface can be sanded down and exposed. But any drip, run, bump or other imperfection will leave a valley that can’t easily be sanded, and if it’s not sanded, no copper is exposed and there will be zero antifouling capability on that spot.
Finishing Underneath the Jack Stands
With the entire hull sanded to spec and looking like a newly minted but rather dull penny, it was time to start all over again under the jack stands. We asked the boatyard to move the jackstands and took it from the top: scraping, sanding, 3 coats of barrier coat, 4 coats of Coppercoat, and sanding down with 320-grit paper.
Final Thoughts & Preliminary Results
It was a hell of a lot of work. But we are extremely glad and happy we did it. The process was detailed, but not so much that we couldn’t do it ourselves. After our solar arch debacle (Glad THAT’S Over – Ep. 38) we’ve decided that we will always try any project at least once. If we hit a roadblock we really can’t handle, and find we’re in way over our heads, we’ll hire someone, but thankfully that hasn’t happened yet and we have learned so much.
We went into this project knowing it was going to be a tough job, but if we did it once, we’d know how tough it was and wouldn’t feel as bad forking over money to hire someone to do it the next time around, should we ever need to do it again.
And for preliminary results, we’re quite pleased. Stay tuned for a follow-up post including photos from regular intervals in the water!
Let us know what you think!
Do you have any experience with Coppercoat? Did we miss anything? We’d love your feedback.
Wow. What a lot of work but I know from my freshwater boating experience in a 25 ft. Carver that it WI pay off in the long haul.
I have enjoyed following your journeys down the Mississippi and into the gulf and up the ICW.
Thanks for your great footage and co.mentary.
Thank you Bill!
Thanks for all the useful information. What do you do about the 2 spots under the keel where the blocks are?
Hi Lyle, about 2/3 of the through the post we touch on this, look for the title “Finishing Underneath the Jack Stands” Basically once moved we start the whole process all over again for those spots.
Outstanding work you two. I didn’t even know you could “Copper Coat” the bottom of a boat. Have been binge watching your channel and I’m fascinated by your journey. All the best!
Thanks Brian!
It was amazing to watch how the two of you work together! The only downside for me is that now my beloved is going to start expecting more back-breaking boat labour from me
LOL, sorry Karen
Hello, I have watched you 2 since your journey south from the lakes. I do Custom aluminum Fabrication, I feel for the Arch Debacle. If your ever up the ICW at the Myrtle Beach area, Id love to get that project completed for you guys.
Hi Rusty, thanks so much for the offer!
It will be interesting to hear your future reports on how the Copper Coat is performing. I think you are being generous to the folks that have criticized it by giving them any other “out” than they didn’t follow the application instructions exactly. Why someone would spend that kind of money and not make sure, like you guys did, that the manufacturer’s application process was followed perfectly, I’ll never understand. I suspect you guys will see good results that reward your fastidiousness. With our refit, we decided to go with Petit’s Vivid product, which is actually a hybrid between ablative and leeching and is the most expensive “traditional” anti-fouling paint out there.. So far it’s been in salt water for 8 months, in fresh water for 4 months and only needed a pressure wash last fall to get totally clean, so we’ll see how long it holds up.
SV Échappé
Lol, well everyone follows their own path and does what they think is right given the information at hand. I can’t put myself in their shoes….
As for Petit that sounds like a good product, thank you for the report. Happy to hear it’s working for you!
By the way, loved the “Quack” insert in the video. Laughed hard at that one.
That was Lauren’s great idea!
Think your channel is fantastic. I met you at the Miami Boat Show. Not a fan of Copper Coat. I am waiting for more environmentally friendly traditional bottom paints. I think that it is best to pull the boat once a year anyway….Gary Chidester
Hi Gary, Environmental concerns was one of our criteria when making the decision to go with Coppercoat. What are considering that you feel is more environmentally friendly?
Hi, having read your articles am going to follow the adventures and see the results. Thanks for the great info appreciate the hard woork and effort. Youve gone well beyond in effort to inform and Thats special. Hope after lockdown you get to enjoy the fruits of your labours. Stay well stay safe
Thanks Dave!
Hi Kirk, I reside on freshwater but will tackle the loop later this year. Do you know if this paint is better suited for salt over fresh or best for both?
Hi Rick, we don’t have any experience with Coppercoat in freshwater, although we’ve heard from a few people that it works quite well. Give Jim at Coppercoat USA a call and see what he has to say.
Thanks for letting us enjoy your journey. Watch your entire series and looking forward to future videos. The copper coat bottom paint was a learning experience as my Meridian 341 needs bottom paint. Definitely will be looking into this bottom paint when I haul the boat out. Looking forward to the video’s getting your arch made for the second time. Any luck getting your money back from the first place. Publish the name of the place that did the poor work in New Orleans so others don’t make the same mistake by going with such a incompetent shop.
Thanks for watching William! We did not get any money back from the arch…
Thanks to you both for your quick response. My question on the hull painting has been answered.
You two are fun to watch and your ingenuity on handling issues that arise during your journey is heartening. Karen and I are also attached at the hip. Only our attachment has been for 53 years in May. Looking forward to future adventures.
Smooth sailing.
Mike & Karen
Awesome to hear Mike, congratulations! Thanks for following along
Hi Guys! Thank you for sharing your experiences, I’m about to embark on the same project and you guys tilted the scales toward using Coppercoat.
How many people/days it took to complete the whole project?
Kind Regards, Damian.
The entire project including sanding probably took the both of us good 2.5 weeks of full time work. The actual application of copper coat took 3 people 1 whole day to do the hull, and then took the two of us another afternoon to do all the patches where the stands were.
Hi Guys. Wanted to see how you are still liking the Coppercoat? If you have touched on this already sorry about that. We are looking to do this for our boat later this year. Doing research now. I appreciate it!
Hi Elicia,
The Copper coat has been awesome! So glad we did it. It’s held up really well, going on the third season, things are looking good. We’ll do another follow up video in the near future. It’s a shameless plug, but if you think you’re going with Coppercoat, sign up for our Patreon, it’s well worth the discount you’ll receive
Looking at putting a copper coat on my catamaran in the near future. Was interested in some additional thoughts on the Blue Bear AF product.
How much of this did you end up going through? What was the dwell time that seemed to work for you? Any issues getting through the epoxy barrier coat? I have been looking at the Dumond Peel Away as well, did you happen to look at that product?
Hi Russell,
Blue Bear AF worked great if you don’t have any other option than scraping. The best process I figured out was to lightly wet the hull with a spray bottle, then apply the Blue Bear, I tried letting it set as long as I could before it started drying out (usually 30mins to an hour) if I remember correctly. I’d then lightly mist it again with the spray bottle just before scraping. With the carbide scraper I was able to get through the spots were epoxy was used, but those were significantly more difficult. I’d reckon that if that’s what you’re dealing with the Blue Bear is not what you’re looking for. It didn’t seem to have much of an effect on the epoxy. The only way I was able to remove those spots, was that the epoxy had been applied over the top of an ablative paint at some point in the past, and I could get under/behind it with the scraper. Best of luck!
Great report – thanks for sharing. I do have a question though as I have just been through the same process and have run into a snag. The finish of the copper coat has ended up quite orange peely. This was caused by the thick epoxy barrier coat applied first. I guess I have two questions: 1. Am I right in observing your pictures of the sanded finish show it not to be be totally smooth as in the copper coat guide – I have ended up with a more hammered copper look and am debating running with it or sanding it back to a smoother finish and reapplying….gulp. 2. Given I stick with the hammered copper finish which COULD be similar to your finish I wondered how effective the coating has been so far?
Ours was not mirror finish, but after sanding it was smooth to the touch. We were not dimpled like a golf ball, but it wasn’t perfect either. I think the smoother you get the better, we were cautioned about not sanding enough and I think we still didn’t sand enough. Without photos it’s tough to give real advice but if your questioning whether or not you sanded enough, you probably haven’t done enough.