About Kirk

Co-Captain. IT Guy. Mr. try-and-fix-it.

Monthly Cruising Budget: Month 2 – Shakedown Sail

After spending the first month getting to know the boat, and taking a few day sails, we were ready to start picking up a few key items and a few small improvements needed for spending a few weeks away from our homeport on our shakedown sail where we sailed across Lake Michigan.

  • SV Soulianis a Tartan 37 | Sailing Soulianis

How Much Does it Cost to Buy a Bluewater Sailboat?

Many of us feel uncomfortable talking about money. Which is probably why a lot of us are so poor at managing money and understanding finances. We want to help change that -- at least as far as it relates to sailing, and cruising.

  • Engine Room in our Tartan 37 | Sailing Soulianis

Upgrades to our Tartan 37 Sailboat

For now this is a post that may be updated from time-to-time, and could possibly turn into a page or a series of blog posts documenting the larger upgrades.  Leave a comment below or send us a message to let us know if there is anything here you'd like more information on. If there's enough interest in a certain topic we can dive into a more detailed post.

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