Interested in Supporting our Video Series?

First off, thank you. You’re a crucial part of our voyage. We’ve dreamed about cruising and documenting the adventure – and without you this wouldn’t be possible.

Right now we’re still working several jobs to keep us afloat, which means we’re stuck at the dock more than we’d like. As support for our production grows, the more places we can go, and the more time and effort we can devote to content creation!

We both studied video production in college, and to be able to combine our degrees with sailing is, without a doubt, the coolest thing ever.


Buy us a Beer!

One-time Contribution

Like what we’re doing? This is an easy way to send us a few bucks to say thank you.

100% of these donations will go towards supporting our videos, maintaining Soulianis in tip-top shape, and of course keeping the fridge stocked full of ice cold beer.

Become a Patron


If you like our videos, and want to see us make more of them this is the best way to help us continue our production.

Patreon makes it easy for you to contribute a few bucks each time we release a new video (we produce two episodes a month.). We use these funds to purchase new video gear, pay for high-speed internet connections to upload the videos in far-away places and keep Soulianis up-and-running.

Become a Patron


We’ll invite you to our monthly virtual happy our to share our favorite beverage with you across the internet.

These donations will go towards supporting our videos, maintaining Soulianis in tip-top shape, and of course keeping the fridge stocked full of ice cold beer.

Below are a few more ways you can support our productions — and most of them don’t cost a penny!

      • Connect on Social Media – Like us on FacebookSubscribe on YouTube and Follow on Instagram to keep up with the journey!
      • Share! – If you really like what we’re doing, share it! Do you have a coworker who daydreams about sailing away? A relative who loves the water?  Sharing our content is one of the best ways to support us. At the end of the day, connecting with others over the love of the water and adventure is what we’re all about.
      • Comment –  Say hello, ask a question, tell us a story. We love hearing from everyone! It’s so great to hear words of encouragement, an awesome sailing story, or the best place to stop for a drink when we’re in your neck of the woods. The internet can be a harsh place, your comments brighten our day!
      • Shop our Amazon Links – Check out our Stuff On The Boat shopping list. Space is extremely tight; everything we keep onboard is something that’s proven its worth. Next time you shopping online, click this link first. (Or better yet, save it as a bookmark) Amazon will pay us a few cents for every purchase you make during your session — pretty cool, eh?!
      • Buy us a Beer – Our fridge is always stocked full of cold beer.  We are constantly re-paying the kindness of others with an icy brew.  If you’re feeling generous but not ready to become a Patreon, we’d love the help to keep the good karma flowing. Buy us a beer!
      • Become a PatronPatreon is an amazing platform that gives artists and creators the opportunity to be funded directly by ‘patrons’ for the content they create. In return, we offer our Patrons a ton of awesome benefits.

Our Mission

We both feel extremely grateful and very fortunate to be in the position we are.

We grew up with enough food on the table. Too many toys under the tree. Parents who took us to hockey practice, karate classes and piano lessons. The belief we could be whatever we wanted to be when we grew up. We were dealt an amazing hand.

We know not everyone was so fortunate, and because of this we want to give back.

Our goal is to connect with the people we meet wherever our journey leads us, and to help those in need along the way. Details are still in the works, but our videos are an integral component to this goal. By documenting and sharing our efforts, we hope to inspire those who feel a similar pull to get out in the world and make it a better place.

Our goal is to connect with the people we meet wherever our journey leads us, and to help those in need along the way.

Let’s Connect!

Give us a shout on your favorite social network.