About Kirk

Co-Captain. IT Guy. Mr. try-and-fix-it.

“Kinda My Worst Nightmare” – Ep. 49

What makes your palms go clammy? Gives you a cold sweat? For both of us, swimming in murky water under a boat is one of our worst nightmares. Time to face our fears! We dive in to clean the hull, in preparation for our sail to Key West.

Sailing the Miserable Mile – Ep. 48

The Miserable Mile is a stretch of super busy waterway near Ft Myers with an incredibly narrow channel. Powerboats fly this way and that, wakes churn the water, and straying from the channel even a few feet means running aground. In short, it’s quite aptly named!

Storm’s Coming! Riding it Out at Anchor | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 47

Storms are scary on a boat. Your entire home rocks around like a whirly-gig, and you’re never quite sure if it’s going to stay put, or go careening off and crash into rocks, land, or another boat! Up until now, we’ve been securely tied to a dock whenever a storm has hit. This is our first time at anchor.

What Young Cruising Couples Do for Fun – Ep. 45

In this episode we continue south on a beautiful downwind day sail from Venice Beach to Boca Grande Pass, then spend a few days anchored at Cayo Costa State Park. We noticed a couple of younger cruisers drop their anchor next to us, so we dropped by to say hello.

Monthly Cruising Budget: June | Month 12 – Summer Haul Out & Off-season Vanlife

Where as April and May were normal-ish, June was an absolutely wild ride: It completed our first full year living aboard the boat; we bought a van and named him Chip; we hauled the boat out of the water for hurricane season and drove north to help Lauren's parents move out of her childhood home, and attended our first electronic music festival.  

7 Days of Cruising – Ep. 43

Imagine what one week of cruising looks like, and you’ll never get two identical weeks. BUT— if we had to pick one, these 7 days are pretty typical of our cruising life.

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